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The Perfect Love Promise Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Bay Area Diamond Company Green Bay, WI

The Perfect Love Promise

Each perfect love engagement ring that is set with a Perfect Love diamond will include a promise of the following
 (contingent on an annual inspection) 

 • One free ring sizing per ring, per year
 • Free prong and tip replacements 
 • One free rhodium dip per year
 • Free soldering to Perfect Love wedding bands
 • Free one time center stone replacement
     (Up to 2 carats, and subject to no visible signs of tampering or intentional stone removal) 
 • Free replacement of damaged, or missing  melee diamonds on Perfect love wedding rings or bands.
 • Free tightening of any loose stone 
 • Priority repair service 

Perfect Love Custom Promise

If a customer creates a Perfect Love engagement ring or wedding band with us, and doesn’t love the design / they want to make alterations, the customer has up to 365 days from the original purchase date to have the ring remade or the design changed.

This  is up to the original purchase amount of the ring. The customer is responsible for any additional charges beyond the original price of the ring (such as the addition of material, fluctuations in material costs, excess labor charges,etc.).

Perfect Love at BRDCPerfect Love Rings + Jewelry
Bay Area Diamond Company Green Bay, WI

— Undeniably Better!

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